We were learning about saints. What I enjoyed finding out about them. I chose this one because I liked the way her name was so long. It was hard writing about my saint.
Here is my work...
Francesca heard God calling her to be a nun but she wasn't allowed because of her bad health.
Francesca first worked in a village school and then she worked in an orphanage.She enjoyed working with the kids. The Bishop allowed Francesca to take her vows and become a Nun. She was known as mother Frances Xavier Cabrini. It was from her favourite missionary saint, St Francis Xavier. She started a new missionary for nuns called the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The sisters started schools and orphanages for children. Then the Pope told her to go to America to look after the poor. Mother Cabrini travel to in America h 31st of 1889. She cared for the poor children by giving them food and hope. She took them maths and reading in the orphanages.
Mother Frances Xavier Cabrini became a saint because she cared for poor and sick children by opening schools, orphanages and hospitals.
Hi William I am James I am a Year 6 at Pompallier catholic school we are your Tuhi Mai Tuhi Atu class buddy blog.I like your information about St Francis Xavier Cabrini and guess what we are a Catholic school too. I look forward to more cool posts and I also like to play soccer as well bye